超值推薦-Matching Supply With Demand:An Introduction to Operation Management (第三版)
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1.The book instructs students to perform sophisticated analyses of operations problems while requiring them to provide strategic big picture solutions as a result of their analyses.
2.The book examines business processes within the context of supply chain management, which has become a preferred framework to discuss operations.
3.The conceptual material in each chapter is discussed within the context of a specific authentic or disguised company. Likewise, the book employs real-world examples to illustrate important operations concepts.
4.Examples of analytical techniques are presented in a step-by-step fashion and underscored with a summary exhibit; Key notation and equations and solved practice problems appear at the end of every chapter.
Gerard Cachon
現職:The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Christian Terwiesch
現職:The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania